
US regulatory crackdown leads to $32M digital asset outflows: CoinShares

Institutional investors are feeling the heat as the SEC targets all aspects of the crypto industry in the United States.

Institutional investors may have gotten the jitters on crypto in the wake of the regulatory crackdown in the United States, with digital asset investment products seeing the largest weekly outflow of 2023. 

On Feb. 20, institutional crypto fund manager CoinShares reported that digital asset investment products saw outflows totaling $32 million last week, the largest outflow of the year.

The outflow comes in the wake of a massive crackdown on the digital asset industry in the U.S., which has targeted everything from staking services to stablecoins to crypto custody as the Securities and Exchange Commission ramps up what industry analysts have dubbed its war on crypto.

Outflows hit $62 million midway through last week but slowed by the end of it as sentiment improved, added CoinShares analyst James Butterfill.

The majority of those outflows, or 78%, were from Bitcoin (BTC) related investment products and there was an inflow of $3.7 million to Bitcoin short funds. The firm blamed the regulatory crackdown for the increased outflows.

“We believe this is due to ETP investors being less optimistic on recent regulatory pressures in the US relative to the broader market.”

However, negative sentiment from institutional investors was not mirrored by the broader markets, which saw a 10% gain for the period. This pushed total assets under management for institutional products to $30 million, the highest level since August, Butterfill said.

There were also outflows for Ethereum (ETH) and mixed-asset funds but blockchain equities bucked the trend with inflows totaling $9.6 million for the week.

Related: Digital asset investment products see highest inflows since July 2022: Report

Institutions started pouring capital back into crypto funds in January with inflows for the last week of the month totaling $117 million, reaching a six-month high.

However, funds have seen outflows for the past fortnight following four weeks of inflows in January.

The regulatory enforcement action responsible for the sentiment shift includes the SEC’s charges against Kraken for its staking services on Feb. 9. A few days later, it sued Paxos over the minting of Binance USD (BUSD), and it also last week proposed changes targeted at crypto firms operating as custodians.

The blue fox: DeFi’s rise and the birth of Metamask Institutional

The popularity of decentralized finance played an integral role in the launch of MetaMask Institutional as companies looked to safely enter the space.

MetaMask is arguably one of the most well-known self-custodial Ethereum software wallets in the cryptocurrency ecosystem, with its signature Orange Fox avatar plug-in acting as a portal to the world of Ether (ETH)-based tokens, decentralized applications (DApps) and decentralized finance (DeFi).

The retail browser plug-in wallet surpassed 30 million users worldwide in 2022 and has slowly turned its attention to serving a growing number of institutional users that have looked to gain exposure and manage assets in the growing DeFi space.

Cointelegraph caught up with Elizabeth Mathew, head of growth and partnerships at MetaMask Institutional (MMI), at the firm’s stand during Token2049 in Singapore. The backdrop of a Blue Fox was a noticeable change, with the color scheme in contrast to the familiar orange of the MetaMask logo that most users are accustomed to.

MetaMask Institutional growth and partnerships head Elizabeth Mathew chats to Cointelegraph at Token2049 in Singapore.

MetaMask Institutional (MMI) has been in existence since October 2021 at a time when institutions began allocating significant amounts of capital to DeFi marketplaces through the conventional MetaMask retail wallet.

The service was born out of the need to serve specific requests from institutional users. Custodial access was a primary consideration in order to give a wider range of operational controls over a wallet. This included suitable segmentations of roles and responsibilities for a wallet belonging to an entity.

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The second consideration was compliant access to DeFi, which, by nature, is controlled by smart contracts and liquidity pools and no real human-controlled element or custodian, as Mathew explained:

“A very unique challenge is that you don’t know who your counterparty is in DeFi, but we have inbuilt tools within MMI that gives you the ability to screen a DeFi pool pre and post trade.”

The need for a specific institutional offering was in part necessitated by engagements with institutional users that had been using the retail platform to manage millions of dollars of digital assets:

“It was shocking, the kind of risk management we saw from institutions. They had millions of dollars of assets kept within their browser plugins, or retail MetaMask browser with a hardware wallet and a spreadsheet. That was really how the earliest crypto funds were getting involved in the space.”

Mathew stressed that this was not fit for purpose for organizations involved in trading and DeFi as well as organizations that were exploring Web3 through various non-trading related activities. This broadened the scope of MetaMask’s consideration of how to plug any organization into Web3 and not solely traders or fund management firms.

Intentional design

The development of MetaMask Institutional was more than a year in the making, with Mathew describing the team as being intentional in its design to not become an asset custodian.

The result was MMI aggregating across a handful of reputable custodial stacks given that different parts of an institution’s portfolio would require different techniques and custodial technologies:

“Different organizations have very different needs, in terms of how they interact with Web3. Some may be high frequency trading-style operations that require low latency and programmatic access. And then another organization might be interested in engaging with their fan base using an app suite which is very different.”

Mathew highlighted MMI’s efforts to not be vertically integrated at the custodian layer but instead aggregated horizontally through service providers that specialize in the governance layer and custodial settlement layers. MetaMask Institutional now has 11 custodial partners, with five based in Asia, a region where MetaMask is seeing increased involvement.

Altogether, the 11 custodial partners already serve more than 1,800 organizations from a variety of industries, a point which Mathew believes will play a pivotal role in onboarding companies and service providers into Web3:

“When they want access to Web3, they’ll essentially turn to their facility and say, ‘turn on my Web3 access.’ Everyone’s not ready for it yet, but we’re certainly having conversations with institutions that are thinking about this more long term than some of the short term speculative opportunities.”

Who is using MetaMask Institutional

Having been around for just over a year, Mathew revealed that 250 organizations had signed up and were active on MetaMask Institutional, while the 1,800 organizations that make use of MMI custodial service providers could potentially be onboarded.

Access to DeFi markets remains a primary driver of the user base, while a little less than half of the users are companies looking to have operational controls over token portfolios or token investments in specific projects:

“Our earliest adopters were crypto-native or DeFi focused funds and today on the platform, about 60% of organizations are professional DeFi portfolio managers and the 40% are not DeFi traders.”

MMI has looked to retain the same DNA and feel of the Orange Fox retail plug-in, with a familiar user flow allowing the user to connect to any Ethereum-based DApp and its tools. As Mathew explained, the difference in functionality comes when a user looks to confirm an action that then links to the specific custodial wallet address:

“Depending on whatever governance policies that you have set for that particular wallet, you can have a multi-approval setup, you could have filtering done at the protocol level.”

Mathew also highlighted a change in attitude from institutions toward the cryptocurrency space and their level of risk appetite and exposure. In the past, companies have not been comfortable with the concept of browser extension-based access, preferring participation in private chains:

“That’s changed. Organizations including investment banks that used to be doing multi-year pilots on private chains are now showing up saying, ‘we want to be looking at real Web3 use cases, we need to do the hard work and understand what it takes from an operational standpoint.’ It is a steep learning curve.”

MMI’s integration of custodial service providers also means that the platform does not necessarily know which will serve a specific institution’s needs best. The best solution is for users to get their hands dirty and begin exploring the different offerings and control mechanisms of the platform:

“There’s a stack for any kind of use case you can think about, just open up an MMI wallet and then put some positions down, even on a test net. Those are the kinds of conversations we’re having with institutions within capital markets.”

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Headline-grabbing events in 2022 have put DeFi in the spotlight for the wrong reasons, with the collapse of the Terra ecosystem and its cascading effect through the space leading to institutional investors thinking twice before allocating huge amounts of funds to third-party intermediaries:

“I think people have taken a step back in realizing that they have placed trust within counterparties that may not have been adequately quantified. Sure you have access to the asset class through centralized intermediaries, but then, what is the price you’re paying for that?”

MetaMask Institutional is also exploring improving the education and information available to a participant before they interact with the platform to help guide institutions toward the most applicable type of custodial access offered through its partnerships.

Institutional appetite continues to grow amid bear market — BitMEX CEO

Institutional appetite for Ethereum will grow now that the network is ESG compliant, according to the BitMEX boss.

In a recent interview, BitMEX CEO Alexander Höptner shared his thoughts about institutional investors who, in his view, still have an appetite for crypto and Ethereum.

Speaking at the Token2049 conference in Singapore on Sept. 28, the crypto executive told Cointelegraph that there has not been a “single slowdown of institutional push into crypto” during this bear market.

He added that institutions and finance industry players typically use bear markets for innovation. There is a lot more pressure to deliver in a bull market, but bear markets offer the luxury of more time.

Höptner also commented that adoption for the finance industry has a long horizon which is why institutions will be buying and holding crypto assets while the opposite can currently be said for the retail sector.

When asked whether institutions or retail will end the bear market he said that retail is still pulling out whereas institutions are still making a push, before adding:

“I think that the institutions are making themselves ready now to provide the services and retail will come back and push it up again.”

The BitMEX boss is also convinced that institutions will start piling back into Ethereum now that it has switched to proof-of-stake and satisfies the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) concerns.

“Ethereum is the ideal protocol to build stuff on,” he commented before adding “this is the ideal public event to build financial products for ESG conformity,” in reference to the recently deployed Merge.

At the moment, ESG conformity is paramount, he said, adding that institutions “can offer products that are really for a wide audience once again while checking one of the boxes that they have for their compliance.”

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The $3,000 figure was mentioned regarding Ether (ETH) prices by year-end, and Höptner sees this as a possibility, especially now that the network is more environmentally friendly and big banks are using it. At the moment, ETH is trading up 3.8% over the past 24 hours at $1,336, so it has a long way to go in the next three months.

Last week, Cointelegraph reported that liquid staking products such as Lido’s Staked Ether (stETH) are more profitable and capital efficient than holding regular ETH. As such, they will increase in popularity while hodling ETH could become obsolete.