
Enterprise blockchain Coti set to become Ethereum privacy-centric layer 2 in 2024

Coti will look to provide privacy-focused functionality to the Ethereum ecosystem as a new layer-2 protocol.

Enterprise-grade blockchain platform Coti is set to transition protocol to become a scalable, privacy-focused layer-2 on Ethereum in 2024.

An announcement shared with Cointelegraph outlines how Coti will shift from a standalone protocol to an Ethereum layer 2 to bring its privacy features to the broader ecosystem. Coti v2’s features a cryptographic approach called garbled circuits, which allows transactions to be processed without exposing sensitive information and data.

Drawing from the field of multi-party computation (MPC), garbling protocols enable two or more parties to jointly compute a function while keeping both their inputs and intermediate variables private.

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Avalanche introduces ‘Evergreen’ subnets to connect institutions on blockchain

Ava Labs has introduced its new Evergreen subnets, aiming to help institutions improve control and intercompany communication on the blockchain.

Ava Labs, the developer of the Avalanche layer-1 blockchain platform, is introducing new institutional deployments to improve the blockchain environment.

On April 6, Ava Labs introduced Avalanche Evergreen Subnets, a suite of institutional blockchain tooling and customizations designed to address company-specific requirements for financial services.

The new product aims to allow institutions to maintain control over their blockchain environment while enabling intercompany communication, Ava Labs’ institutional business development director, Morgan Krupetsky, told Cointelegraph.

“Currently, many institutions are building use cases on enterprise blockchains such as Corda, Hyperledger, Quorum or R3, which inherently are not interoperable and rely on third-party bridges,” Krupetsky said. With Evergreen subnets, member institutions will be able to communicate with each other without relying on third-party bridges, seamlessly transferring assets, proceeding with trade confirmations and other messages, the executive noted.

The intercompany communication on Evergreen subnets is enabled using Avalanche’s native communication protocol, Avalanche Warp Messaging. The AWM feature provides native communication between any two blockchains on different Avalanche subnets.

An Avalanche subnet, or subnetwork, is a dynamic set of validators working together to achieve consensus on the state of a set of blockchains. Subnets are independent and don’t share execution, storage or networking with other subnets or the primary network, which allows the network to scale.

“Subnets were always part of the target state vision for the Avalanche network,” Krupetsky said, adding that the first subnet — DeFi Kingdoms — was launched in April 2022. “Subnets can be thought of as application-specific blockchains that can be customized for a whole host of industries and use cases,” he added.

Visual representation of how subnets reside in the Avalanche network, compared with topologies of inter-chain economic security in Cosmos and Polkadot. Source: Burak Arikan

In contrast to default subnets, Evergreen subnets have certain built-in features aiming to provide a ready-made product for institutional blockchain deployments, such as user and validator permissioning, jurisdictional-based geofencing, custom gas token selection, and Ethereum Virtual Machine compatibility, Krupetsky noted.

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Evergreen subnets also enable a controlled environment while providing public blockchain development, the executive added, stating:

“In our work with institutional partners on both the buy and sell side, we found that institutions had common considerations and requirements when seeking to deploy on public blockchain infrastructure, so we created Evergreen.”

Krupetsky also said that Evergreen subnets bring the “best of both worlds” from private blockchain solutions and fully public solutions because, separately, such options don’t meet long-term scaling needs or standards for security and control.

The news comes amid Ava Labs announcing the South Korean tech firm SK Planet building an Avalanche subnet for its users. The new subnet, UPTN, will be integrated with SK Planet’s portfolio of consumer applications, including OK CashBag.

As previously reported, Avalanche Foundation director Emin Gün Sirer believes that subnets are the next big thing for blockchain after smart contracts. According to the executive, they enable functions only possible with “network-level control and open experimentation.”

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‘Get comfortable with discomfort’ for Web3 success: PBW 2023

A group of professionals in Web3 took the Venus de Milo stage at Paris Blockchain Week 2023 to discuss the dos and don’ts of metaverse regulation.

The metaverse continues to be a hot topic in the Web3 space, as a group of industry professionals took to the Venus de Milo stage at Paris Blockchain Week 2023 to discuss the future of digital reality. 

In the panel “Metaverse Regulation: Dos and Don’ts,” the group discussed how regulators around the world might interpret what goes on in the metaverse, along with how businesses should navigate their entrance into digital reality.

PBW venue, Paris, France. Source: Cointelegraph

Lawyer and founder of Jacob Avocats Julie Jacob said she sees privacy, regulation, and ethical standards as having “different cultures in different countries.” According to Jacobs, the new challenge is creating regulations that can be applied worldwide:

“There is no standard. It’s really a fantastic opportunity, in my opinion, to now create rules all together and also to create ethical standards.”

Arnaud Pelletier, the innovation director for IBM Consulting France, said regulation is key to ensuring “fairness, competition and protection of individuals,” especially as more businesses enter the metaverse

However, Pelletier stressed that too much regulation would have “drawbacks” such as limited innovation, too much interpretation and stunted adoption.

Related: South Korea launches ‘Metaverse Fund’ to expedite domestic initiatives

In the United States, this has already started to happen, according to Andy Albertson, partner and co-lead at Fenwick. He said it’s pushing “good, hard-working entrepreneurs” out of the country into others that are more receptive:

“It also creates an opportunity for countries that want to lean into this innovation and provide an appropriate level of regulation.”

For enterprises ready to jump into the space, Albertson said they need to “get comfortable with discomfort” to succeed in Web3. As the industry continues to grow, there are still a lot of “grey areas” to work with, he said, adding:

“You have to be comfortable with the strategic risk. I’m not talking about being reckless. I’m talking about marrying up the business opportunity with the risk that you couldn’t eliminate.”

Recently, Margrethe Vestager, the executive vice president of the European Commission, said that current legislation lags behind the technology. She also said that the Commission wants to ensure “healthy competition” in the metaverse in its jurisdiction.

‘Get comfortable with discomfort’ for Web3 success: PBW 2023

A group of professionals in Web3 took to the Venus de Milo stage at Paris Blockchain Week 2023 to discuss the dos and don’ts of metaverse regulation.

The metaverse continues to be a hot topic in the Web3 space, with a group of industry professionals taking to the Venus de Milo stage at Paris Blockchain Week 2023 to discuss the future of digital reality. 

In the panel “Metaverse Regulation: Do’s and Don’ts,” the group discussed how regulators around the world might interpret what goes on in the metaverse and how businesses should navigate their entrance into digital reality.

PBW venue in Paris, France. Source: Cointelegraph

Julie Jacob, a lawyer and the founder of Jacob Avocats, said she sees privacy, regulation and ethical standards as having “different cultures in different countries.” According to Jacob, the new challenge is creating regulations that can be applied worldwide:

“There is no standard. It’s really a fantastic opportunity, in my opinion, to now create rules all together and also to create ethical standards.”

Arnaud Pelletier, innovation director at IBM Consulting France, said regulation is key to ensuring “fairness, competition and protection of individuals,” especially as more businesses enter the metaverse

However, Pelletier stressed that too much regulation would have “drawbacks,” such as limited innovation, too much interpretation and stunted adoption.

Related: South Korea launches ‘Metaverse Fund’ to expedite domestic initiatives

This has already started to happen in the United States, according to Andy Albertson, partner and co-lead at Fenwick. He believes it’s pushing “good, hard-working entrepreneurs” out of the country into others that are more receptive:

“It also creates an opportunity for countries that want to lean into this innovation and provide an appropriate level of regulation.”

For enterprises ready to jump into the space, Albertson said they need to “get comfortable with discomfort” to succeed in Web3. As the industry continues to grow, there are still a lot of “gray areas” to work with, he said, adding:

“You have to be comfortable with the strategic risk. I’m not talking about being reckless. I’m talking about marrying up the business opportunity with the risk that you couldn’t eliminate.”

Margrethe Vestager, executive vice president at the European Commission, recently said that current legislation lags behind the technology. She also said that the commission wants to ensure “healthy competition” in the metaverse in its jurisdiction.

Davos 2023: Education is key to driving sustainability in blockchain and beyond

Cointelegraph’s editor-in-chief Kristina Lucrezia Cornèr moderated a panel discussion at the 2023 Davos conference in Switzerland on sustainability in the blockchain world.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, brings together global leaders and thinkers across various industries to hone in on global issues each year. As the world of crypto and blockchain continues to push into the mainstream, it has become a topic of discussion at the legacy event. 

Cointelegraph editor-in-chief Kristina Lucrezia Cornèr moderated a panel on Jan. 17, which touched on sustainability efforts in the blockchain industry. 

Even though not all panelists come from the same background, they unanimously highlighted education and learning as the key to driving sustainability in emerging technologies during “The emergence of Breakthrough Technologies” panel.

The panel’s focus viewed sustainability in the blockchain industry through two lenses. One is in the “green” sense of the word, with a more energy-efficient and sustainable future for the environment. The other speaks to the long-term impact of projects and initiatives in the greater Web3 space.

Mark Mueller-Eberstein, the CEO of business consultancy Adgetec Corporation, pointed out that the industry does suffer from “greenwashing,” but verification standards that can be taken from the blockchain can lead to productivity in sustainability practices in the industry.

“Knowing that we can trust the data is extremely important. This is why I think blockchain especially is so important.”

He continued to say that educating the community, especially the next generation, will be “the cornerstone for all of us, as societies and individuals.“

Related: From games to piggy banks: Educating the Bitcoin ‘minors’ of the future

Christina Korp, the president of Purpose Entertainment and founder of SPACE for a Better World, highlighted the significance of education to older generations with an example of a United States congressman aged over 70 who began educating himself on artificial intelligence.

“How can all these people make the decisions about what happens with the laws when they don’t even understand the technology or this new world?”

The chief financial officer and treasurer of the Hedera Foundation, Betsabe Botaitis, also touched on trust as a foundation for a more sustainable industry, especially she said, as the blockchain industry can sometimes have a bit of a negative reputation.

“We need to be careful with that because it is easy to think that a new idea can be immediately funded. And that’s not always the case.”

Botaitis used carbon credit tracking as an example of a trust-building niche, in which blockchain can be utilized for this transparency and verification.

“It’s such an honor to see how companies are coming together to really build this trust infrastructure, an immutable layer.”

Botaitis continued by saying that creating and leaving a sustainable legacy for the next generation is not just about wealth, but ensuring a safe environment for that wealth and education is the key.

“There’s very, very little technology that is given for the education of wealth management. I think that it is the private sector that needs to have that education, the regulators and everyone that is having this conversation.”

Education continues to be a major touch point in the Web3 space, with many brands and initiatives focusing on educating users alongside technological developments. 

90% of businesses adopting blockchain technology, data

A new survey from CasperLabs found that despite education gaps, enterprise adoption of blockchain technology in the U.S., U.K. and China is set to increase in the next year.

The crypto and blockchain space has had a turbulent past year, but that is not stopping users and enterprises from looking into the industry.

A new survey from CasperLabs and Zogby Analytics revealed that the sentiment around blockchain adoption is especially positive among enterprises. The poll was conducted via 603 business enterprise “decision makers” in the United States, the United Kingdom and China.

Nearly 90% of the businesses surveyed reported deploying blockchain technology in some capacity, with 87% saying they plan to invest in blockchain in the next year. This is particularly pronounced in China, where over half of the respondents plan to invest in blockchain in 2023.

Ralf Kubli, a board member of the Casper Association, said that despite the recent turbulence, companies continue to turn to blockchain for solutions:

“It’s hugely encouraging to see businesses understanding that blockchain is not a competitor but a solution.”

Businesses that are already utilizing the technology are benefiting from two of its main capabilities: security (42%) and copy protection (42%). Those in IT-based operations are using blockchain for things such as internal workflows (40%), supply chain efficiency (34%) and software development (30%), among others.

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Kubli commented that 2023 will be a consequential year for the adoption of blockchain technology, “especially in providing real solutions for real-world problems and creating long-term value.”

Related: The most eco-friendly blockchain networks in 2022

However, an important finding was revealing where enterprise leaders fall short. Despite the majority feeling confident in their knowledge of blockchain technology (73%), 54% of the respondents still see the terms “blockchain” and “crypto” as interchangeable.

In the same vein, it was reported that the biggest hurdles to adoption are limited developer knowledge, lack of tools, interoperability and cynicism toward the industry. Nonetheless, nearly all of the respondents said they would be more likely to adopt with more understanding and insight into how peers are utilizing blockchain.

Education, along with accessibility, has been a long-standing challenge and barrier for those outside the space wishing to interact with the technology and communicate with clients.

Blockchain tech driving institutional-grade solutions: Blockchain Expo Europe

Blockchain Expo Europe 2022 in Amsterdam highlights meaningful strides in enterprise-grade blockchain solutions driven by mainstream institutions.

Blockchain is no longer a buzzword being thrown around by mainstream institutions as meaningful and fully-working pilots and programs come to the fore at Blockchain Expo Europe 2022 in Amsterdam.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, a number of mainstream companies from various industries started to explore ways blockchain technology could be used to improve processes and products.

After two years of social distancing and working from home, the time to harvest the fruits of sewn seeds has arrived, as evidenced by some intriguing updates from major corporations utilizing blockchain technology.

The world of business consulting, healthcare and pharmaceuticals and the energy sector are all delivering working, blockchain-powered solutions that have seemingly proved the broad spectrum of utility promised by the burgeoning technology.

Cointelegraph was on the ground for the event and managed to touch base with a number of speakers who showcased how their firms were using the technology to drive innovation.

EY, the global business consulting firm, has been working hard to build enterprise-grade blockchain capabilities over the past three years. Federico De Poli, who heads up the global development of the EY OpsChain functionality, outlined how the firm had spent over $100 million over the past three years building a fulling working product solution.

Federico de Poli at Blockchain Expo Amsterdam.

Driving enterprise adoption has been key, helping clients navigate a new environment, building privacy tools focused on safety and helping companies run business processes on the Ethereum blockchain.

As De Poli explained, the company’s proprietary EY Opschain and EY Blockchain Analyzer are two main tools using blockchain technology:

“Opschain products is our business suite of products. We have traceability which is our most used tool which is being used in production by several clients in different industries. We have a contract manager which is being used in a first trial — it’s a tool which helps us do digital contracting between parties.”

EY’s public finance manager also allows governments to track the expenditure of funds, proving the widespread useability of blockchain solutions.

Healthcare and pharmaceutical firms also attended the RAI Amsterdam Convention center. Alex Popa, associate director of Blockchain for Pharma Supply Excellence, MSD (Merck), outlined a pilot that was aimed at addressing problems with multifaceted healthcare networks.

Alex Popa at Blockchain Expo Amsterdam.

Plagued by expensive, inefficient and vulnerable systems, blockchain technology provides practical solutions to these problems. MSD has operated a pilot to combat a vexing industry issue and counterfeit drugs using Hyperledger Fabric, which allowed patients in Hong Kong to verify medicines’ authenticity from their source.

Jessica Lee, head of Blockchain for Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen Commercial North America, also showcased a piloted use case for a value-based healthcare system to share data privately, securely and transparently using blockchain technology.

Sabine Brink, blockchain lead at Shell, gave a compelling presentation focused on digital innovation in the energy sector. A key takeaway was the growing use of blockchain technology to drive transparency in energy.

Sabine Brink at Blockchain Expo Amsterdam.

The firm is engaged in several blockchain-powered projects deployed on public blockchains to address a long-standing propensity for the energy sector to work in silos. A key highlight was Shell’s work supporting Avelia, a sustainable, blockchain-powered aviation fuel tracing aimed at decarbonizing air travel.

Outlining that 90 percent of airline emissions are attributable to business travel, Avelia acts as sustainability as a service product for corporate flyers and airlines to book and claim sustainable aviation fuel:

“Energy is becoming distributed and decentralized, and it‘s hard to imagine it’s being orchestrated in a centralized way. There is no other way to get it done on a global scale, and blockchain has a huge role.”

Conversations with conference delegates and speakers highlighted the apparent strides made in developing working blockchain solutions across industries. The technology has driven innovation across industries, and mainstream companies are doing their part to drive new use cases and solutions for blockchain-based systems.

ETH Merge will change the way enterprises view Ethereum for business

Industry experts explain how the Ethereum Merge will impact enterprise adoption for business use cases.

A recent report from the Ethereum Enterprise Alliance (EEA) highlights how the Ethereum ecosystem has matured to a point where the network can be used by businesses to solve real-world problems. From supply chain management use cases to payment solutions utilized by companies like Visa and PayPal, the report demonstrates how the Ethereum network has grown to become one of the most valued public blockchains. 

Although notable, the EEA report also points out that the rapid growth of the Ethereum ecosystem has created a number of challenges for companies, specifically regarding energy consumption, scalability and privacy. For example, the document states that “sustainability was cited as one of the main concerns, along with transaction fees, in relation to using the Ethereum Mainnet.” The report further explains that the transparency associated with a public blockchain like Ethereum has been a hurdle for enterprises seeking data security and trust.

As such, upgrades such as sharding and layer-2 (L2) scalability solutions remain critical for businesses using the Ethereum network. Yet, the complex nature behind such implementations continues to be difficult for companies to navigate. For instance, the EEA report states that “Many layer 2 solutions and sidechains are relatively new projects, with relatively new technology. They do not necessarily have the track record or proven security and stability of the Mainnet.”

The Merge will change how enterprises view Ethereum

However, industry experts predict that the Ethereum Merge, which is scheduled to take place on Sept. 14, will likely improve enterprise adoption. Paul Brody, global blockchain leader at EY, told Cointelegraph that while the Merge will not affect most enterprise use cases that are presently in use, it will change how businesses perceive Ethereum. He said: 

“For years, competing layer-1 networks have talked about how Ethereum can’t get the Merge done. The incredible organizational maturity of Ethereum has been working nicely in the background to do it in a careful and professional manner. As an enterprise, that’s the kind of institutional maturity I want to see.”

Although the Merge has been in development for several years, Brody explained that upgrades on mission-critical infrastructure should never be rushed. As such, he believes that this will remain a key point for businesses using the Ethereum network. “I think future efforts to dismiss Ethereum won’t get much airtime in the post-Merge era,” he said. 

While it’s too early to detect how enterprises will react to the Merge, Robert Crozier, chief architect and head of global blockchain at Allianz Technology, told Cointelegraph that his firm will monitor the progress of the Ethereum Merge to see how it stabilizes certain use cases.

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This is noteworthy, as Crozier shared that Allianz has only considered Ether (ETH) and Ethereum-based use cases for experimentation purposes on a small scale. The insurance giant currently uses Hyperledger Fabric and the decentralized ledger platform Corda to streamline cross-border auto insurance claims throughout Europe. Crozier added:

“At Allianz, our International Motor Claims Settlement product utilizes Hyperledger Fabric at its core. We would need to understand and be confident that other protocols like Ethereum would deliver the similar benefits in terms of ease of use, scalability and finality.”

With benefits in mind, Brody explained that the Merge will eventually result in better scalability and privacy for enterprises. “I think we’re heading into a new era of enterprise applications. With both scalability and privacy maturing, it will be possible to address enterprise process needs quite comprehensively in the future,” he said. 

Shedding light on this, Ivan Brakrac, senior decentralized finance market strategist at ConsenSys, told Cointelegraph that although the Merge does not directly increase scalability, a number of planned upgrades to Ethereum will address scalability over the next few years.

For example, Brakrac explained that transitioning the Ethereum network from proof-of-work (PoW) to proof-of-stake (PoS) was the first step to enable “shard chains.” As Cointelegraph previously reported, sharding is the act of dividing up a database, or in this case, the blockchain, into various smaller chains known as shards.

“This will reduce network congestion and increase transaction throughput,” Brakrac remarked. This is key for adoption, as Brody shared that EY’s enterprise clients looking at supply chain applications are going to need support for 2–20 million transactions per day. “Pre-Merge Ethereum could not have accommodated this,” he said.

Regarding privacy, a report entitled “The Merge for institutions,” published by ConsenSys on Sept. 5 mentions that L2 solutions also address privacy concerns for enterprises. An increase in L2s will unlock greater privacy mechanisms for business use cases. 

For example, Brody explained that EY developed a zero-knowledge proof L2 scaling solution known as Nightfall to handle Ethereum gas constraints and keep fees low. According to Brody, multiple powerful L2 networks will enable different options for enterprises that may require more gas and bigger transactions. He elaborated:

“Privacy starts to unlock a much bigger set of use cases for enterprise users. For example, instead of minting one token that represents a batch of product and gives origin information, I can mint one token for each piece of inventory, and then I can manage specific supply chain inventory levels across a multi-company network on Ethereum.” 

In addition to scalability and privacy, sustainability concerns will be addressed once the Merge is implemented. According to Brakrac, Ethereum currently uses an inordinate amount of electricity, noting that the Merge will reduce energy usage by 99%. “This will make Ethereum very sustainable in the long run. By design, this further secures the network and resolves an environmental concern which is net positive from the institutional adoption standpoint,” he said. 

Indeed, industry experts believe that sustainability efforts addressed by the Merge will be critical for enterprise adoption. Dan Burnett, executive director of the EEA, told Cointelegraph that while L2s and sidechains have served as bandages on sustainability concerns, large organizations with environmental, social and governance goals tended to shy away from building solutions on Ethereum because of its reputation for being environmentally unsustainable. Yet, he noted that with these concerns being addressed, the Merge may enable the Ethereum business ecosystem to leap ahead.

Yorke Rhodes III, co-founder of blockchain at Microsoft and board member and treasurer of the EEA, further told Cointelegraph that the Merge will put to rest one of the main concerns for enterprises that have a big focus on environmental impact, such as Microsoft.

“This removes one of the key arguments enterprises raise when evaluating whether to build solutions on Ethereum mainnet,” he said. To Rhodes’ point, Crozier mentioned that moving to a more environmentally friendly proof-of-stake mechanism will mean that some enterprises, like Allianz, will take a second look at Ethereum.

Benefits not immediate 

All things considered, the Merge will likely increase enterprise interest in Ethereum due to the advancement of the network. Moreover, Rhodes believes that removing the key critique of sustainability will encourage additional movement to the Ethereum Mainnet, even if this is just as a base layer for security. “As a key step in realizing the vision of Ethereum, the ETH merge sets things up for a closer enterprise review sooner rather than later,” he said.

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However, it’s important to point out that the benefits promised by the Merge won’t be seen immediately. According to Brody, it will take at least 12–24 months until privacy-enabled use cases are established following the Merge. He said:

“I hope to see pilots by the end of this year, but feedback loops and infrastructure maturity takes time. Unlike consumer applications, there’s little patience among enterprise buyers for products that don’t work on the first go-round and little willingness to experiment. Enterprise buyers are generally quite conservative, and so the cycle will take longer than consumer users.”

Three-quarters of institutions to use crypto in the three years: Ripple

Ripple’s new Value Report on enterprise crypto and blockchain highlights NFT, blockchain and CBDC utility in business settings.

A whopping 76% of surveyed financial institutions plan on using crypto within the next three years, according to the report. Ripple’s new report highlights trends in the adoption and utilization of emerging technologies like crypto and blockchain in enterprise and financial institutions. 

Both financial institutions and enterprises are understanding the benefits of internal crypto usage. The most common reason is that crypto gives more people access to more financial services, says 42% of financial institutions and 41% of enterprises.

According to the survey, portfolio management and payments come forward as the most valuable additions to the enterprise world. Portfolio management is detailed as hedging against inflation, hedging against other asset types and asset appreciation. Participants said data security and quality are two major benefits of blockchain and crypto usage for payments.

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Nonetheless, as this is an emerging technology, adoption is still an uphill battle for large institutions. According to the report, enterprises and financial institutions both find that a general lack of understanding is one of the biggest challenges. 

However, the report also stressed that the slow-moving process of regulations surrounding the industry stirs up hesitation from potential users. Regulations from countries across the globe have been in constant flux as officials rush to keep up with the fast-paced crypto scene.

Recently, regulators in the United States came under scrutiny from the U.S. Congress for their “non-judicial actions” against crypto companies. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is in the throes of implementing effective crypto regulations for one of the industry’s most active regions.

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Despite setbacks in crypto-ed and murky regulations, the report still reveals the active interest of global institutions and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). 34% of surveyed institutions say CBDCs will help with the “acceleration of digitization of finance” and give “greater access to credit for consumers and businesses.”

From a global perspective, the report analyzed regional nonfungible token (NFT) interest based on emotional vs. functional benefits. Respondents in the Asia-Pacific region were three times more likely to purchase an NFT for sentimental or emotional reasons compared to other reasons. Of the eight NFT genres listed, 55% said music-related NFTs are of the most interest. 

Sustainability was also assessed, as it remains a hot topic both in and outside of the industry. According to Ripple’s data, over 75% of surveyed consumers prefer to buy sustainable cryptocurrencies. More than 20% claim they would only purchase “sustainable” crypto. 

Stratis (STRAX) gains 200%+ after Sky Dream Mall metaverse and stablecoin announcement

STRAX price bucked the market-wide bearish downtrend by rallying 200% after the team unveiled plans for a British pound stablecoin and a new metaverse.

Bear markets can be incredibly harsh for projects that have little adoption or lack an applicable use case, but projects that dedicate to building regardless of market sentiment tend to succeed in the next market cycle.

One project that has seen a noticeable boost in volume, despite the wider-market downtrend is Stratis (STRAX), a blockchain development platform designed to help enterprise businesses establish their own blockchain in a simplified manner.

Data from Cointelegraph Markets Pro and TradingView shows that after hitting a low of $0.365 on June 15, the price of STRAX has rallied 220% to hit a daily high of $1.20 on June 29 amid a surging 24-hour trading volume.

STRAX/USDT 1-day chart. Source: TradingView

Here are three reasons why the price of STRAX is rallying this week as the wider crypto market continues to struggle.

Metaverse launch entices volume

The Metaverse was one of the hottest topics during the bull market of 2021 and the concept continues to be a driving force behind mass adoption in the crypto space.

Prior to the recent STRAX price rally, the team behind the protocol teased the upcoming launch of Sky Dream Mall, a metaverse project that is powered by the Stratis blockchain.

The protocol has been experiencing growth within its nonfungible token (NFT) and GameFi communities, thanks to projects like he Astroverse Club and Trivia Legends.

Stablecoins and NFTs

Along with the growth on the Metaverse front, Stratis could also be getting a boost from its plan to launch a Great British ound Token (GBPT) stablecoin.

The GBPT stablecoin is being developed in conjunction with Price Waterhouse Coopers (PwC), which is helping Stratis complete the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) registration process. PwC will also provide future auditing services when the GBPT stablecoin is eventually released.

The team is also working on a ticketing management system that will allow NFTs to be used to validate entry, and store benefits and perks for designated events and venues.

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Outreach in Uganda

A third factor helping to bolster the price of STRAX is the ongoing development of a blockchain innovation center in Uganda, which aims to increase blockchain knowledge and awareness.

The project began after Stratis entered a long-term partnership with the Foundation of King Oyo, the current monarch of the Tooro Kingdom in Uganda.

Construction of the center began on May 24 and the most recent update on the project was posted on June 27 showing that the foundation for the center is nearing completion.

The views and opinions expressed here are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Cointelegraph.com. Every investment and trading move involves risk, you should conduct your own research when making a decision.