Digital art

Binance’s AI-powered NFT generator hits 10K mints in 2.5 hours

In the limited beta, Bicasso was taking user-submitted profile pictures and turning them into a work of digital art in seconds.

Binance’s newly launched artificial intelligence-powered nonfungible token (NFT) generator has been churning out digital art at full capacity, reaching a cap of 10,000 NFT mints in just 2.5 hours after launch.

On Mar. 1, the world’s largest crypto exchange Binance launched an AI-powered NFT generator called “Bicasso” in beta.

Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao told users “you can turn your creative visions into NFTs with AI,” following it up a couple of hours later with “Bicasso first pilot just completed with 10K NFT minted in 2.5 hours. The AI was a little stressed out, but caught its [breath] now.”

The system is an AI-powered image-generation tool similar to AI-art platforms such as DALL-E. Users can either upload an image such as a profile picture for the AI to work on, or can type in creative prompts that will generate a bespoke image created with AI.

According to initial mint data, 9,909 owners created at least one NFT as part of the limited beta. The images were part of the pilot so are not available for resale.

Users were eager to share their creations on crypto Twitter.

Following the pilot launch Binance acknowledged there were a few glitches due to demand, stating:

“Our team is currently working to increase the server abilities to reduce errors and to make the minting process smoother.”

It added that those that missed out on the 10K beta quota can still sign up for the waitlist for the full version.

The most recent NFT, “Bicasso AI#10445” was minted just an hour ago, according to the platform.

The most recent NFT mint – Bicasso AI#10445
One of the early NFT mints – Bicasso AI#17931

Related: AI-generative art predicted to be next trend for NFT sector

Generative art is a new archetype in the art world that in whole or in part has been created with the use of an autonomous system. On Feb. 28, renowned auction house Christie’s auctioned Taylor Hobbs’ “Fidenza #724”, an NFT created with a computer algorithm, for $440,000.

In August, Google Cloud AI transformed all 10,000 Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs into machine-made works of art.

Binance’s AI-powered NFT generator hits 10K mints in 2.5 hours

In the limited beta, Bicasso was taking user-submitted profile pictures and turning them into a work of digital art in seconds.

Binance’s newly launched artificial intelligence-powered nonfungible token generator has been churning out digital art at full capacity, reaching a cap of 10,000 NFT mints in just 2.5 hours after launch.

On March 1, the world’s largest crypto exchange Binance launched an AI-powered NFT generator called “Bicasso” in beta.

Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao told users “you can turn your creative visions into NFTs with AI,” following it up a couple of hours later with “Bicasso first pilot just completed with 10K NFT minted in 2.5 hours. The AI was a little stressed out, but caught its [breath] now.”

The system is an AI-powered image-generation tool similar to AI-art platforms such as DALL-E. Users can either upload an image such as a profile picture for the AI to work on, or type creative prompts that will generate a bespoke image created with AI.

According to initial mint data, 9,909 owners created at least one NFT as part of the limited beta. The images were part of the pilot so are not available for resale.

Users were eager to share their creations on Crypto Twitter.

Following the pilot launch Binance acknowledged there were a few glitches due to demand, stating:

“Our team is currently working to increase the server abilities to reduce errors and to make the minting process smoother.”

It added that those that missed out on the 10K beta quota can still sign up for the waitlist for the full version.

At the time of writing, “Bicasso AI#10445” was the most recently minted NFT, according to the platform.

The most recent NFT mint, Bicasso AI#10445
Bicasso AI#17931, an early NFT mints

Related: AI-generative art predicted to be next trend for NFT sector

Generative art is a new archetype in the art world, having in whole or in part been created through the use of an autonomous system. On Feb. 28, renowned auction house Christie’s auctioned Taylor Hobbs’ “Fidenza #724”, an NFT created with a computer algorithm, for $440,000.

In August, Google Cloud AI transformed all 10,000 Bored Ape Yacht Club NFTs into machine-made works of art.

Damien Hirst live streams the burning of $10M in art for NFT project

“The Currency” is the name given to Hirst’s NFT project, which examines the value of digital art vs. physical art.

Britain’s wealthiest living artist, Damien Hirst, has started setting fire to millions of dollars worth of his own artworks as part of his nonfungible token (NFT) project “The Currency.”

During an Oct. 11 livestream of his London gallery at 12:30 pm local time, Hirst burned hundreds of his own The Currency artworks, ensuring that they exist only in the form of an NFT moving forward.

The Currency is the name given to Hirst’s first NFT collection which dropped last year — made up of 10,000 NFTs each tied to a physical oil painting.

The project has been part of Hirst’s social experiment that tests the worth of purely digital art versus physical art.

Collectors who had bought one of the $2,000 floor-priced NFTs were given one year to decide whether they would keep the NFT or trade it in for the physical painting.

In July, the deadline for the decision was reached, with 5,149 paintings to be delivered as physical pieces of art, and 4,851 paintings to exist only in digital form.

Asked about how he felt burning the artwork, Hirst said, “It feels good, better than I expected,” according to a report from the BBC.

The remaining oil paintings will continue to be burned at the Newport Street Gallery until The Currency exhibition closes on Sept. 30.

Source: Instagram

“A lot of people think I’m burning millions of dollars of art but I’m not, I’m completing the transformation of these physical artworks into NFTs by burning the physical versions,” said Hirst the day before the burn event.

“The value of art, digital or physical, which is hard to define at the best of times will not be lost, it will be transferred to the NFT as soon as they are burnt.”

Hirst’s The Currency collection is listed on NFT marketplace OpenSea with a floor price of 5.1 Ether (ETH), worth $6,539 at the time of writing. The most recently sold piece, named “V-Day of consent,” fetched 5.08 ETH.