
Deloitte dives into immersive experiences as more industries turn to Web3

The Big Four accounting firm is betting on immersive experiences and other Web3 solutions to address various corporate needs.

Immersive experiences are already popular in the entertainment, gaming and fashion industries, but they can also be a tool to address various other corporate needs, like simulating manufacturing operations and training managers to have sensitive conversations. 

Deloitte made this bet in late February when it announced a partnership with virtual spaces company Vatom to offer immersive experiences for various industries, from companies seeking to boost culture with virtual reality to brands focused on building community engagement. Together, the companies claim to deliver the ability to host thousands of people simultaneously in the same virtual space at the same time, along with a cross-chain wallet and access to a collection of digital assets and tokens of their metaverse experiences.

Training Underground – Virtual Reality. Source: Deloitte

The hidden goal, however, is to provide companies with underlying data about users. “One of the key trends impacting companies across all industries is the decreased accessibility of third-party data,” Khusro Khalid, managing director at Deloitte Digital, told Cointelegraph.

According to Khalid, firms that rely on knowing and connecting with customers are looking to replace third-party data and cut customer acquisition costs. “Given the customizable nature of the product, companies can leverage a host of Web3 tools, including virtual spaces, Programmable Digital Objects, a cross-chain universal Wallet, POS redemption, token gating and loyalty points, among other features, for a diversity of business applications,” he said.

Deloitte envisions a variety of metaverse tools for companies. Virtual spaces offer companies a way to “not only gather global team members together for events and meetings but also provide gamified tools that enable more engaging and interactive employee training,” Khalid noted.

3D Asset Generation – Omniverse. Source: Deloitte

Other examples include digital twins for real estate, providing prospective buyers with an immersive tour of a property without ever leaving their homes. “In each of these instances, virtual spaces not only create a direct channel for engagement but also a simple way to gain valuable first- and zero-party data from those engaging in the virtual spaces — helping to inform future efforts and strategies,” explained Khalil.

Virtual reality experiences are attracting billions of dollars in investments from companies around the world. The market size of global immersive technology was valued at $21.6 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach approximately $134.18 billion by 2030, according to Precedence Research.

Tech giants such as Nvidia, Qualcomm, Google, Facebook-owner Meta and Microsoft have already disclosed metaverse-related initiatives, while decentralized and blockchain-based platforms operating in metaverse businesses include Decentraland, The Sandbox, Axie Infinity, Metahero and Star Atlas, to name a few.

Eric Pulier, founder and CEO of Vatom, believes the metaverse is the internet of tomorrow and, as such, no businesses will be untouched by immersive experiences:

“Web3 represents the next iteration of the internet. In the same way that there is no company or industry that does not use the internet as a tool of engagement, there is no sector of business that cannot benefit from more effectively engaging their target audiences at scale with Web3.”

75% of retailers eyeing crypto payments within 24 months: Deloitte

Improving customer experience, increasing the customer base and the hope their brand is perceived as “cutting edge” were the biggest reasons given for a desire to adopt crypto payments.

Three-quarters of United States retailers plan to accept crypto or stablecoin payments within the next two years, according to a new survey published by Deloitte.

It also found that more than half of large retailers with revenues over $500 million are currently spending $1 million or more building the required infrastructure to make it happen.

The information was revealed in Deloitte’s “Merchants Getting Ready For Crypto” report released in collaboration with PayPal on Wednesday.

A large majority, around 85%, of the surveyed merchants said they anticipate that cryptocurrency payments will be ubiquitous in their respective industries in five years.

The survey polled 2,000 senior executives at U.S. retail organizations between December 3 and December 16, 2021, when crypto prices were still riding high, but the results have only just been revealed. The executives were distributed equally among the cosmetics, digital goods, electronics, fashion, food and beverages, home and garden, hospitality and leisure, personal and household goods, services and transportation sectors.

Small- to medium-sized companies are also getting into the acts, with 73% of retailers with revenues between $10 million and $100 million investing between $100,000 to $1 million to support the needed infrastructure.

Source: Merchants Getting Ready for Crypto: Merchant Adoption of Digital Currency Payments Survey

According to Deloitte, the spending won’t stop there and is only expected to increase over 2022. More than 60% of retailers said they expect budgets of more than $500,000 to enable crypto payments in the next 12 months to December.

Consumers push for crypto payments

Consumer interest is driving merchant adoption, with 64% of merchants signaling their customers have expressed significant interest in using crypto for payments. Roughly 83% of retailers expect interest to increase or significantly increase over 2022.

Source: Merchants Getting Ready for Crypto: Merchant Adoption of Digital Currency Payments Survey

Nearly half expect their adoption of cryptocurrency will improve the customer experience, around the same amount believe it will increase their customer base, and 40% hoped their brand would be perceived as “cutting edge.”

Related: Corporate evolution: How adoption is changing crypto company structures

Retailers optimistic on digital currencies

Of the retailers already accepting cryptocurrency, 93% have reported a positive impact on their customer metrics.

Source: Merchants Getting Ready for Crypto: Merchant Adoption of Digital Currency Payments Survey

Carriers and challenges to adoption cited by merchants include the security of the payments system (43%) changing regulations (37%), volatility (36%) and a lack of a budget (30%).

The complexity of integrating cryptocurrencies with legacy systems and the complexity of integrating multiple cryptos was the greatest challenge, according to 45% of the surveyed merchants.

Deloitte said it expects “continued education” would create further clarity for regulators, allowing wider adoption across a broader set of products and services.