Crypto gaming

Opinion: 2023 is a ‘buidl’ year for crypto gaming

In 2023, GameFi developers should focus on building out quality more than quantity.

2022 was a huge year for the play-to-earn (P2E) gaming scene. An influx of capital and users was followed by a sharp downturn in blockchain game token prices and a decrease in players — and the market is still reeling. And, with fallout from the FTX disaster reaching into every corner of the industry, play-to-earn’s prospects seem bleak on the surface. But peeking under the hood, the numbers tell a different story: Strong funding this year has set the stage for serious “buidling” in 2023. 

A consistent flow of strong raises for Web3 gaming studios has been silently infusing the market with funding for months. In August, UnCaged studios raised $24 million, contributing to nearly $750 million raised by Web3 gaming studios in that month alone. The momentum continued through September when Revolving Games raised $25 million, and October, when Odyssey Interactive, Stardust and SkyWeaver pulled in $19 million, $30 million and $40 million, respectively. Thirdverse raised $15 million for Web3 and virtual reality (VR) games in November;

These numbers directly contradict the plunging asset prices and player enthusiasm about the Web3 gaming space. But even as gamers and tokens falter, venture capitalists are betting big on the future of blockchain gaming. Which studios will win out in the year ahead? And why?

Instead of gambling on speculation, VCs are betting on experience

One noteworthy element throughout the raises that have taken place in recent months is that the majority of studios that have received funding are not conducting seed or pre-seed rounds. Rather, they’re holding Series As.

Of course, there are exceptions to this rule. Some studios have successfully completed seed or pre-seed rounds. But even then, their founding teams have serious gaming experience. For instance, Ruckus Games, which recently raised $5.5 million in seed funding, is a game studio started by former Gearbox and Riot Games developers. This indicates that VCs are focusing on studios with gaming experience — a departure from the early days of Web3 gaming.

How blockchain gaming investments were allocated in 2022. Source: DappRadar

During that early period, many Web3 gaming projects received robust funding without having a clear roadmap toward the launch of their products nor founding teams with the proven experience to make it happen. Indeed, the YOLO days of late 2021 and early 2022 are long gone. Today, the studios that are receiving funding already have a level of proven success building Web3 games. VCs are now thinking farther into the future, even as far as five to ten years down the road.

Related: 2023 will see the death of play-to-earn gaming

While this timeframe may seem many lifetimes over in the crypto world, this horizon is normal for studios in the traditional gaming sphere. The shift to longer-term thinking also shows that studios are beginning to understand that individual games have shelf lives — and that investing in the studios that build the games is a more effective approach.

How will crypto gaming change?

Looking at these raises combined with long-term trends in Web3 gaming, we start to see that some patterns are beginning to shape the industry’s future.

So what will the impact of all the raises be in a few years?

Related: The feds are coming for the metaverse, from Axie Infinity to Bored Apes

We can certainly expect a strong emphasis on mobile gaming. In September, DappRadar reported that hyper-casual mobile blockchain games brought more than 1.7 million users from Web2 into Web3 gaming in a single week.

With these changes underway, it seems likely that Web3 gaming will enter the “mainstream” and that within the next five years, the global index of the top 100 gaming studios will contain studios that have strong blockchain elements.

Here’s to the long game

We probably haven’t seen the last of the large-scale raises that have been happening in the Web3 gaming space these past months. The Web3 gaming hype cycle has officially passed, and the space is in “buidl” mode. And this time around, investors are interested in studios that are playing the long game (pun intended).

This change in focus, combined with the significant fluctuations in the larger blockchain technology industry, will create new dynamics and opportunities for builders in the P2E market in 2023. Raised expectations from both players and funders will separate the wheat from the chaff. Priorities in 2023 and beyond will focus on quality over quantity. In the end, those who can create the most outstanding games will win. So game on.

Corey Wilton is the co-founder and CEO of Mirai Labs, the international gaming studio behind Pegaxy. A renowned speaker and play-to-earn thought leader, he began his first company within crypto in 2018, a customer support service designed to assist cryptocurrency companies with their customer service.

This article is for general information purposes and is not intended to be and should not be taken as legal or investment advice. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed here are the author’s alone and do not necessarily reflect or represent the views and opinions of Cointelegraph.

Anonymous crypto developers belong in prison — and will be there soon

Users are interested in knowing the identities of developers behind the games they play. And soon, lawmakers are likely to write such disclosures into law.

In the months following the announcement of my company’s first experimental title, Cyberstella, visits to my personal LinkedIn profile increased by an astonishing 300%. What does this tell us about the rising trend of anonymous developers popping up in every Web3 community to spam users with investment opportunities and then disappear from the face of the Earth? 

Well, it spells out trouble for anonymous crypto developers who think they can get away with never putting their face where the money is, so to speak.

The fundamental principle behind crypto investing is a two-step process: Issue your project’s native token, leverage it for profit, and re-invest what you made into the project’s development itself. It’s an easy and straightforward way for builders to raise funds and keep their work up, while supporters can benefit from a token with a fluid environment and from feeling like they’re a part of the developer community, as well as a part of what makes the project a success. Of course, this model presents quite the scarcity of substance and opportunity for growth, which means that the macro crypto trend can leverage the price of native tokens.

When Murasaki, the game studio building decentralized titles on the blockchain that I co-founded, announced its first project, I decided not to be one of those GameFi developers. I was going to put my face and my name out there, right next to Murasaki’s and Cyberstella’s, because I believe in the future of what we’re building, and I believe that anonymity almost always spells out signs of trouble.

Related: 90% of GameFi projects are ruining the industry’s reputation

By looking at the LinkedIn data, I was right.

People do care about finding out more about the identity of a founder or developer before they sign over their money. However, scammers have managed to successfully convince a portion of the GameFi community to act against their own best interest, contrary to how they would behave in almost every other scenario. And when they’re done scamming one community, they move on to the next — after all, no one knows who they are, so it’s easy for them to start over with a new audience. The cycle repeats itself over and over again, and the space’s reputation keeps getting worse because of it. It’s a true lose-lose situation for everyone involved, except the anonymous scammers.

In poker, blind betting refers to the cards you are required to put down “blindly” before you have had a chance to see what they are, after which each player will do the same and either fold, call or raise without knowing what they are betting on or how it might turn out. In such a scenario, everyone is aware of the rules and circumstances, which means they trust that no other player will grab everything on the table and run. In GameFi, that’s often what happens.

I believe that anyone who boldly lies their way to full funding belongs in prison. Here’s why their moment of reckoning is closer than we might think: It’s actually not that hard to spot a scammer in action.

If they don’t display their real name, their face and their identity in verifiable ways, that’s always going to be your first red flag. Next, look for a lengthy and detailed roadmap. It shouldn’t entail a crazy amount of moving parts, nor should it be unintelligible and jargon-filled, but instead, it should just be a very clear and compelling explanation of what the project is about and what it aims to achieve in the next few months and years. If you can’t find a roadmap, that’s another major red flag. What about smart contracts? You need to be deploying smart contracts in order to deliver what you actually promise; otherwise, that’s strike three.

Related: GameFi developers could be facing big fines and hard time

Community is a huge factor for any Web3 project and anyone who’s serious about building and evolving in the space. If your potential scammer project proudly shows off 50,000 members on Telegram and Discord, but only five or 10 people seem to be online at any given time, you might have another, huge, clear-as-day red flag staring right at you.

Lastly, overpromising is a big sign that somewhere along the line, something will not quite check out the way it should. How can a project owner publicize a super high-quality AAA title they’re in the process of building while also not doing much fundraising and constantly pushing back roadmap deadline after deadline? It’s probably the easiest way to spot a scammer, and the one you should be most afraid of.

The truth is, chances are that most anonymous builders are ready to run away with the money once they raise enough, as they don’t need to try and actually turn the project into a success. They can just buy bots to increase their profile and social media standing, pay pennies to shillers who will keep up the appearance of an active community on Telegram and Discord, and be done with their job.

Here’s the good news: Only in the last few years, crypto scammers have faced 18 months in prison, 15 years, 115 years — and even 40,000 years. Yes, really, 40,000. When it’s so easy to spot a scammer and the sentences they face should they get caught so high, here’s hoping that people will wise up to the reality of GameFi scams, and anonymous developers will realize nothing could be worth 40,000 years in prison.

May 2023 be the year that we put anonymous crypto scammers where they belong — far, far away from the community we’re proud of and even further away from eager investors’ money.

Shinnosuke “Shin” Murata is the founder of blockchain games developer Murasaki. He joined Japanese conglomerate Mitsui & Co. in 2014, doing automotive finance and trading in Malaysia, Venezuela and Bolivia. He left Mitsui to join a second-year startup called Jiraffe as the company’s first sales representative and later joined STVV, a Belgian football club, as its chief operating officer and assisted the club with creating a community token. He founded Murasaki in the Netherlands in 2019.

This article is for general information purposes and is not intended to be and should not be taken as legal or investment advice. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed here are the author’s alone and do not necessarily reflect or represent the views and opinions of Cointelegraph.

The reason bots dominate crypto gaming? Cash-grubbing developers incentivize them

Users who have the most ability to profit from the crass profiteering mechanisms are those who use automated systems to “play” the games.

Think back to the communities you’ve been genuinely excited to be a part of throughout your life. It’s likely these were groups formed on the basis of shared interests, right? That’s because we feel a sense of belonging when we bond with others over any particular thing we feel a particular way about. For example, I love games, and I never get tired of exploring or fostering communities where I can meet other gamers. 

That’s how I know that the current GameFi space is no breeding ground for gamers like myself and my enthusiastic peers: It’s a breeding ground for bots.

And the main issue at play is a structural one.

A strong community signals potential to venture capital (VC) funds, so GameFi projects find themselves trying to raise funds at the community level before they can meet with investors. Therefore, they sell nonfungible tokens (NFTs) and other cryptocurrencies to get through the initial-stage-level hoops and try to earn enough cash to continue building. The more they sell, the better their chances. It’s easy to see how this makes builders inherently vulnerable to what a little bit of hype can do: It can, quite literally, make or break a project.

Related: 90% of GameFi projects are ruining the industry’s reputation

So, they take their incentive, accept the challenge posed to them by the very industry they love, and through no real fault of their own, they fall victim to the appeal of empty hype. They appoint influencers to spread the good word about their teaser trailer and how it’s going to result in a $200 million movie — when in reality, it might only have cost $10,000 to make. They build fan communities and exploit them for their own gain. They give away gaming assets through giveaways in a system that resembles a multilevel marketing scheme and often promises unreasonably profitable returns it cannot possibly deliver.

This further fuels an influencer-based and incentive-driven economy that only drives projects to boast numbers and fail to actually build groundbreaking products. Take Star Atlas, for example: It’s been three years of promises and nothing has been released to the public.

Plus, when people come together because of incentives instead of genuine interest, they fail to form real, solid communities. Look at 90% of GameFi Discord servers, and you’ll only find empty conversations alongside a distinct lack of what could pass as sincere excitement. With more than 100,000 members but only four people who talk, it’s obvious that operators keen on projecting a positive image of their brand are hiring shills to make their communities seem more populated than they are.

This makes both builders and ecosystems fragile, as they are standing on very shaky ground: In the absence of reliable fans, everyone’s participation is for sale. Offer an influencer a better deal than the one they’re currently promoting, and they’ll have no problem jumping ship. Often, so will builders, who are ready to run as soon as the token price is pumped high enough for their liking. This exact scenario happened when the Squid cryptocurrency, unaffiliated with the Netflix series, but hoping to bank on the association, rose to $2,800 in value and then crashed to almost zero after it was discovered that it was only a scam.

Related: The rise of mobile gaming shared a lot in common with crypto gaming

In this case, scammers made away with $3.38 million — so you could argue that empty hype and incentive-based MLM-type schemes do work.

But don’t gamers deserve better?

True gamers — the ones who are loyal to their community and come together in the name of something they truly believe in — will stay as far as they can from these dynamics. People who love what they do, not the incentives it may bring, will have no reason to join the GameFi economy as long as this is the reality they’re presented with when they approach it. Those who have spent a long time building real communities have no reason to dupe their fans in the name of bloated numbers, and they know it’s a losing game (pun absolutely intended).

Just as interesting as the economic incentives is the psychological aspect of the dynamics at play. As humans, we are governed (as in, motivated and activated) by emotions: our “value system is made up of a hierarchy of emotionally created sensations that rank what is important to us,” which is to say, our brains are physiologically primed to look for emotional rewards, even more so than financial ones. Think entertainment, dependability and a sense of belonging. If there is no emotional attachment to a specific game beyond cashing in and getting out, gamers will do just that. They’ll earn what they can through gameplay, then withdraw their native tokens and move on to the next incentive.

Who do you think will find this most attractive? Who stands to profit the most from this insanely bleak treatment? That’s right, bots.

Bots are specifically “programmed to take advantage of incentive structures to extract value, harming the game’s ecosystem,” and for blockchain games, they are a major roadblock on the road to widespread adoption. It’s not terribly hard to estimate how many bots a specific game might attract, as data companies can simply link any wallets belonging to the same person and cross-check the list. Using this method, anti-botting company Jigger analyzed more than 60 games and services and found 200,000 bots. Jigger also estimates that bots make up 40% of total GameFi users, while for some games (MetaGear, AnRkey X, and ARIVA), the percentage rises to a staggering 80%, and for Karmaverse Zombie, 96%.

That’s almost the total user base. And that’s unacceptable.

As long as this sorry state of affairs doesn’t improve, the GameFi industry will remain vulnerable to bots, scams, and hyped-up incentives that are unable to drive projects forward. And it will keep real, enthusiastic players like me away.

Shinnosuke “Shin” Murata is the founder of blockchain games developer Murasaki. He joined Japanese conglomerate Mitsui & Co. in 2014, doing automotive finance and trading in Malaysia, Venezuela and Bolivia. He left Mitsui to join a second-year startup called Jiraffe as the company’s first sales representative and later joined STVV, a Belgian football club, as its chief operating officer and assisted the club with creating a community token. He founded Murasaki in the Netherlands in 2019.

This article is for general information purposes and is not intended to be and should not be taken as legal or investment advice. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed here are the author’s alone and do not necessarily reflect or represent the views and opinions of Cointelegraph.

The rise of mobile gaming shared a lot in common with crypto gaming

Mobile gaming had an ample number of skeptics during its early days, but today it dominates 60% of the gaming market. Crypto games are following a similar path.

Over the last decade, mobile gaming has become a consequential pillar of the interactive entertainment market. Thanks to access to smartphones, users the world over have been brought into the sphere of hardcore gamers. Now, the emergence of blockchain technology is creating a paradigm shift, offering players the ability to both truly own the assets they earn or buy in-game and the capacity to generate tangible value from their time spent playing.

There are many opportunities that this new model can offer, but today, most of the projects available simply don’t live up to their legacy counterparts. This has led to many doubting that this new generation of games can penetrate mainstream interest. However, this may be short-sighted. Indeed, it’s not the first time a new technology has been dismissed based on its earliest examples.

Blockchain gaming’s growing pains

Web3 games incorporate decentralized blockchain elements, including smart contracts and nonfungible tokens (NFTs), to create virtual assets that can be verifiably owned and traded by players without the intervention of a third party. This innovation puts a high degree of power back into players’ hands. That said, the crypto gaming space is still nascent, and many early offerings have been described as overly simplistic and derivative without offering new or compelling gameplay experiences.

As a result, many self-proclaimed gamers want little to do with NFT games based on a perceived lack of depth and over-emphasis on financial gain. Dubbed “play-to-earn,” or P2E, these products offer the chance for players to earn real value in the form of cryptocurrency and NFTs, which can then be sold for fiat currency. One of the most prominent examples of a P2E game is Axie Infinity, which made headlines when it became a meaningful source of income for many around the world during the COVID-19 pandemic, only to eventually become unprofitable as bear market conditions kicked in and earning potential nosedived.

Related: GameFi developers could be facing big fines and hard time

This is, unfortunately, the case with many similar Web3 games. Not built to withstand the test of time — or major economic shocks — many Web3 titles have failed to galvanize their fanbase without their once-lucrative financial boons. This has led to many detractors of the blockchain gaming genre who assume that current offerings are the zenith of what’s possible, with the sector dismissed as a fad as a consequence. However, glancing at the recent past — particularly the monolithic rise of mobile gaming — demonstrates that the earliest products should not define future potential.

The mobile gaming parallel

If you looked at gaming on mobile devices circa 2005, the situation would be similarly droll. Titles were overly simple, often difficult to control and lackluster in the graphics department. The classic game Snake was among the most popular early mobile titles when Nokia ported it to its line of mobile phones, with millions playing worldwide. At that point in history, anybody using their phone for gaming could only be called a casual gamer, and a similar story emerged as what we are seeing today.

Related: 90% of GameFi projects are ruining the industry’s reputation

Many looked at gaming on cellphones as a novelty for casual gamers that could never compete with the offerings available on consoles and desktops. Fast forward to today, and titles like Fortnite and Arena of Valor have become immensely popular with hardcore gamers and have even influenced the broader gaming industry. These days, nobody would say mobile gaming isn’t in league with legacy offerings, as the technology has evolved to make the differences more superficial.

Global consumer spending on gaming by device group. Source: data.i & IDC.

In fact, as of 2022, 60% of the gaming market is dominated by mobile. It is now the largest branch of gaming worldwide. While traditional gaming platforms still exist and perform well, mobile has shown how new technology can change an entire industry narrative when it comes of age. And to hammer the point home, Snake didn’t define what mobile would become.

The future of crypto gaming

Regardless of how you feel about the approach and success of P2E games, it’s clear this metric shouldn’t be used to judge the future viability of Web3 gaming. New generations of games that will take legacy titles to task are already in the works. Some of these games still have P2E elements, and others implement NFTs; but importantly, the industry is learning that games need to go beyond financial compensation and introduce genuinely engaging gameplay to attract and retain players.

While many currently use Web3, P2E and blockchain gaming interchangeably, they aren’t all exactly the same. In the coming years, these branches may further differentiate from each other and even spawn new subcategories of how this technology is implemented. Assuming all future offerings will be largely similar fails to see the diversity that has emerged in the mobile market.

Only time will tell what becomes of Web3, but those betting against it may want to think twice. There are many parallels between the rise of mobile gaming and what we see now. What killer apps may break open the scene to a larger audience remains to be seen, but in 10 years, it’s likely that these types of titles will simply exist alongside their home console and mobile brethren.

Justin Hulog is the chief studio officer at Immutable Games Studio. Previously, he worked for Riot Games on successful titles, including Valorant, Wild Rift and League of Legends. Justin graduated from Columbia University with a degree in comparative literature.

This article is for general information purposes and is not intended to be and should not be taken as legal or investment advice. The views, thoughts and opinions expressed here are the author’s alone and do not necessarily reflect or represent the views and opinions of Cointelegraph.

Crypto gaming needs to be fun to be successful — money doesn’t matter

Contrary to what you might believe, monetary rewards in gaming are bad for player retention. Developers need to take player psychology and game design into account.

When I worked for Riot Games as its head of player acquisition in the European Union, I learned about player onboarding and long-term retention. Both are crucial to the success of gamer acquisition. I’ve seen the mechanics of user retention in gaming, and what I’ve learned is that most cryptocurrency games today lack the mechanics to keep players interested for even a short period of time.

Why haven’t more top-tier games introduced real-world rewards into their games? These are the titles where 99.9% of gamers are not professional esports athletes and enjoy no monetary rewards for the thousands of hours spent playing their favorite games. The opportunity to introduce monetary rewards has always been on the table. Why hasn’t anyone done it?

The answer lies in one of the cornerstone behavioral patterns that accompany motivation: overjustification. This well-documented mechanism reduces peoples’ interest in an activity.

It is the presence of extrinsic rewards, such as cash and prizes. Money weakens intrinsic motivation, which traditional developers say is crucial to long-term player retention.

Related: Japan is losing its place as the world’s gaming capital because of crypto hostility

Games need to avoid injecting monetary rewards into an experience that is designed to be intrinsically rewarding. The enjoyment of beating a tough boss in a Dark Souls-style game stems from the fact that it requires considerable skill.

If you attach a $0.50 reward to that experience, you will end up destroying it. Participating in a FIFA video game tournament with your friends only to earn $0.15 would take the fun out of it. Offering zero dollars removes the monetary consideration and channels the focus entirely toward the game experience.

Every game has a set of mechanisms designed specifically for user retention, monetization and reactivation. These should be more profound than expecting players to return solely for tokens.

Economics without psychology

An economist ignorant of human behavior or gaming might first consider how to incentivize users to play more. The more hours a user plays, the more value players can extract from their transactions; consequently, power-users are more likely to pay for items and transactions within the game.

Therefore, increasing user retention is imperative. It increases monetization and the projected revenue per user. Suppose a user generates $0.60 per hour of gameplay on average, and you know from data and behavioral patterns that there’s a risk they stop playing entirely. The logic follows that you can start paying them $0.30 to incentivize them to continue.

Here is where overjustification comes into play.

From a pure economics standpoint, paying $0.30 and generating $0.60 is a 100% return on investment; this, ostensibly, makes complete sense. Yet, adopting such an approach is precisely where play-to-earn games are wrong.

Related: 90% of GameFi projects are ruining the industry’s reputation

Extensive studies into child behavioral psychology demonstrate the principle of overjustification. We do many things because they hold intrinsic value to us. We’re willing to do these activities and enjoy them the most only when the intrinsic rewards exist.

If a child enjoys playing the piano, then a $1 reward every time they play would decrease their motivation over time. The same goes for hard, challenging hobbies where our body or mind operates at peak levels. A state of flow is achieved when we are operating at our fullest potential. Losing that laser focus will likely make us fail.

A good matchmaking system in multiplayer games can match us against opponents that we have an exactly 50% chance to defeat, and it comes down to who performs just a little better during the match.

Our brains treat activities that provide monetary rewards differently from those that don’t offer financial rewards. Introducing monetary rewards into a flow state is like throwing a wrench into a spinning wheel. Our brain focuses on the monetary outcomes and not the joy of the challenge.

The state of flow

The state of flow is the optimal place you want users to find themselves in. Good games like League of Legends and Overwatch excel at creating matchmaking systems where win rates roughly stay at equilibrium, since that puts players in a position to operate in the state of flow where they’re pushing themselves to their absolute maximum limit. This generates the highest intrinsic reward by recognizing the player’s ability, providing players with the conditions to improve and ultimately succeed.

Cryptocurrency games, on the other hand, are mostly designed around tokenomics and play-to-earn mechanics. The game loop and the joy derived from playing the game take second place to crypto rewards. It’s no longer a game but an auxiliary function to an economics model.

Nobody will invest hundreds of hours into an activity that isn’t fun unless it pays them a lot of money. And you can only pay out a lot of money if a critical mass of users work to create a significant amount of value. This quickly turns into a death spiral for nascent crypto games, as the games cannot create the amount of value needed to adequately reward players for spending hours inside an unrewarding game loop.

Developers need to create games people want to play and make this a primary goal rather than either starting with economics or adding crypto haphazardly to a working game loop. Even a fantastic game with good retention numbers could still have its retention destroyed with a play-to-earn mechanism.

Anderson Mccutcheon is the founder and CEO of, a multichain platform with more than 500,000 registered users. He is the former Head of Player of Acquisition EU for Riot Games, the maker of League of Legends and Valorant, games that average over 100,000,000 players per month. A former professional poker player and Unit 8200 veteran, he held leadership positions at 888 Holdings and at PokerStars. He studied computer science at Technion, Israeli Institute of Technology.

This article is for general information purposes and is not intended to be and should not be taken as legal or investment advice. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed here are the author’s alone and do not necessarily reflect or represent the views and opinions of Cointelegraph.

Delphi Digital: How to get gamers to accept the integration of NFTs

Delphi Digital outlined that games could provide a core free-to-play experience for anyone to enjoy, while incorporating NFTs as part of expanded experience..

Crypto research firm Delphi Digital has outlined possible ways in which gamers may accept nonfungible tokens (NFTs) as part of their gameplay experience, such as using the tech for additional aspects that don’t impact the core experience.

The lengthy report was published by Delphi Digital on Wednesday and explores how NFTs can be incorporated into games without impacting the core gaming experience or “true competitive play” that gamers tend to value.

The report argues that if monetization and NFT elements can be incorporated correctly, gamers might not be so staunchly against the idea:

“If untamed, money will always trend towards the dominant motivator. As such, the first port of call is to separate out the market games from the core game loop itself.”

Delphi Digital outlined that a way to do this could be for a game to provide a core free-to-play experience for anyone to enjoy while utilizing NFTs for optional experiences such as tickets to tournaments, new character skins, side games and competition rewards.

The firm explained that this would allow those who are using the game for its monetization purposes to prosper, while those there for enjoyment can play without being forced to buy NFTs, or struggle to compete with top-spenders within the gaming marketplaces.

“Nobody is tricked into playing the other’s game,” the report noted.

The report also went on to argue that the “more people care about the game,” the more likely they are to spend money on it, suggesting that the core gaming experience needs to be meaningful enough to make hesitant gamers even consider purchasing an in-game NFT:

“In theory, the more people care about the game, the more gets spent directly on metagames. By maximizing meaning generation and competition in the core game, we are able to maximize revenues through peripheral monetization around it.”

Gamer hate

The report addresses the dislike of crypto games from the traditional gaming community by noting that there is “validity to many of the critiques” that have surfaced.

In particular, Delphi Digital highlighted that much of the hostility toward crypto appears to stem from the negative implications that monetization has had on traditional gaming, such as developers purposely limiting functionality to push users to spend more money to get the full experience:

“Parts of the traditional gaming industry have skewed towards aggressive monetization practices that are sometimes detrimental to the player’s experience.”

“As such, when gamers see the need to purchase NFTs to play with early crypto games, or large publishers announce plans to build in this sector, they assume it’s another money grabbing attempt and shy away from it,” the report added.

Related: Mojang Studios bans Minecraft NFT integrations

Delphi emphasized that this “isn’t to say that all forms of monetization are bad,” but crypto or not, it needs to be done in ways that don’t negatively impact the game.

Commenting on the current state of crypto gaming, the report also notes that the sector has so far seen the monetary components of the game’s trend toward the “dominant motivator” for users. As a result, it argues that the actual gaming quality has suffered while whales have been able to dominate most games for speculative purposes:

“The gameplay of these early titles has suffered on two fronts: 1) the primary incentive of the bulk of the player base is the expectation of financial reward rather than play and 2) the core competitive circuit has been subject to pay-to-win mechanics as whales can spend their way to success.”