Bitcoin Scams

Navigating the world of crypto: Tips for avoiding scams

From “pig butchering” to phishing, there are myriad ways that scammers try to take advantage of crypto users.

Despite the belief of many crypto enthusiasts that centralized exchanges (CEXs) are safer, history has often shown them to be rather vulnerable to attacks.

Because these exchanges centralize the storage of users’ assets, they can be attractive targets for cybercriminals. If an exchange’s security measures are inadequate or successfully compromised, user assets may be stolen or lost.

Another risk of centralized exchanges is the potential for fraud or mismanagement by their operators. CEXs may have a single point of control — leaving them more susceptible to insider fraud or other forms of misconduct — which can lead to the loss of funds or other negative consequences for users.

Over the last year, the collapse of major centralized cryptocurrency platforms like FTX and Celsius has led to more users choosing to take self-custody of their digital assets. The risky financial practices and alleged fraud committed at some platforms have caused many people to lose faith in them as safe places to store their cryptocurrency. 

Self-custody refers to holding and managing one’s cryptocurrency instead of entrusting it to a third party, such as an exchange. This approach offers users greater control over their assets and can potentially provide higher levels of security. However, it also comes with its risks, particularly in scams.

Types of scams and how to avoid them

To better understand the potential dangers associated with self-custody and offer guidance on how to protect oneself from scams, Cointelegraph reached out to Alice Boucher of Chainabuse — a multichain community platform for reporting fraudulent crypto transactions.

One scam aiming to take advantage of crypto users is called “pig butchering.”

“A pig butchering scam occurs when the scammer stays in constant contact to build a relationship with the victim and ‘fatten them up’ with affection over time to have them invest in fake projects,” Boucher said, adding:

“The scammer tries to drain as much money out of the victim as possible, often using fake investment sites showing large fake profits and using social engineering tactics, such as intimidation, to extract more money from the victim.”

Social engineering uses psychological manipulation tactics to exploit the natural tendencies of human trust and curiosity.

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Cybercriminals in the cryptocurrency industry often aim to steal self-held assets by taking control of high-profile accounts. “Between May and August 2022, social media account takeovers involving Twitter, Discord and Telegram have wreaked havoc. Scammers post malicious nonfungible token (NFT) phishing links during those attacks, compromising high-profile social media accounts,” Boucher said.

Once these attackers have gained access to a high-profile account, they typically use it to send out phishing messages and other malicious communications to many people, attempting to trick them into giving up their private keys, login credentials or other sensitive information.

The end goal is to gain access to the victims’ assets in self-custody and steal the cryptocurrency held by the individual.

Followers of these high-profile accounts may be tricked into clicking on malicious links that transfer the tokens from their wallets. These scams may also be designed to have users invest on a trading platform, often resulting in victims losing their deposits with no way to recover them. Boucher added:

“The volume of scams, hacks, blackmails and other fraudulent activity has been growing exponentially over the last few years. Most fake platforms appear to be either Ponzi schemes or payout scams with the following characteristics: They advertise fake returns, have referral incentives that resemble pyramid schemes or impersonate existing legitimate trading platforms.”

Scammers utilizing these phishing tactics can encourage users to sign smart contracts that drain their assets without their consent. A smart contract is a self-executing contract with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller directly written into the code.

Users may lose their tokens if the contract contains errors or is designed to take advantage of people. For example, if it allows its creator to take possession of tokens to sell them, users may lose cryptocurrency by signing it.

Most of the time, users don’t know they’ve lost their tokens until it is too late.

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Self-custody can be a great way to take control of one’s assets, but it’s crucial to understand the risks and to take steps to protect oneself from bad actors.

To protect oneself when using a self-custody wallet, it is crucial to follow the best practices, such as keeping software up to date and using unique passwords. It is also important to use hardware wallets such as a Ledger or Trezor to store your cryptocurrency. Hardware wallets are physical devices that hold your private keys offline, meaning a hacker also needs physical access to engage in certain interactions with the blockchain, making them less susceptible to getting hacked.

Happy Halloween: The five spookiest stories in crypto in 2022

This Halloween, we pay tribute to the crypto investors and businesses that fought through the various financial and technological nightmares that occurred in 2022.

After over 13 years of ups and downs, this year stands out for having the most turbulent bear market in the history of crypto. Owing to a mix of factors — that include regulatory clearances across the globe and improved credibility among projects that survived the bear market — the world of crypto marked numerous milestones this year. 

However, certain events in 2022 could raise goosebumps on the toughest diamond hands out there. Moreover, it was impressive to see crypto projects, in many cases helping each other, bounce back through an era of uncertainty.

Acknowledging the spookiest events this Halloween, we list the scariest events that shook the crypto ecosystem, leaving a significant impact on investors, businesses, entrepreneurs, miners and developers.

The key driver for the following list is widely attributed to the highly volatile time frame and geopolitical uncertainties, which saw the price fall across all sectors.

The extended crypto crash: Fear of the bears

The year 2022 inherited a turbulent crypto market, which started off slowly crashing in November 2021. As a result, immense fear and uncertainty gloomed across the crypto ecosystem right from the start of the year.

The bear market ate away more than $1 trillion from the crypto market — bringing down the overall market cap from over $2.5 trillion to under $1 trillion in a few months.

The 2022 crypto crash scared investors as it drained out profits from all sub-ecosystems, including Bitcoin (BTC), cryptocurrencies, nonfungible tokens (NFTs), and decentralized finance (DeFi), among others.

The loss was felt both ways. While the price depreciation translated to investors losing a part of their life savings, businesses were struggling to stay open amid massive sell-outs and a lack of investments.

The scary instability of algorithmic stablecoins

The Terra ecosystem collapse is widely considered to be the biggest financial catastrophe ever witnessed in crypto by a single entity, and rightfully so. The two in-house offerings from Terra Labs destabilized and almost instantaneously lost their market value. 

In the early days of the crash, Terra co-founder Do Kwon was found publicly discussing ways to help investors recoup losses. Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao suggested burning LUNC tokens to reduce the token’s total supply and improve its price performance.

Shortly after, as regulatory scrutiny started building up against Terra’s operations, Kwon decided to go incognito, with his exact whereabouts unknown.

Numerous entities — including disgruntled investors, South Korean authorities and a Singaporean lawsuit — are still in pursuit of Kwon, despite his comments to the contrary.

However, Kwon maintains that he’s not “on the run” and plans to come out with the truth in the near future. The whole incident highlighted the risks related to the peg mechanisms of algorithmic stablecoins. 

Similarly, stablecoin Acala USD (aUSD) lost its peg in August 2022 after a protocol exploit caused an erroneous minting of 3.022 billion aUSD. A subsequent decision to burn the tainted tokens was made in order to regain their dollar value. Given the numerous other examples of stablecoin crashes, draft legislation in the United States House of Representatives called to criminalize the creation or issuance of “endogenously collateralized stablecoins.”

Sweeping layoffs and job cuts 

The burden of losses was also shared by some crypto companies’ ex-employees. Prominent players including Robinhood, Bitpanda and OpenSea announced massive layoffs, owing to reasons that circle back to surviving the bear market.

On the other hand, crypto exchanges such as FTX and Binance showcased resilience to price volatility and continued their hiring spree to support the ongoing expansion drive.

Crypto organizations that chose to lay off employees did it to cut operational costs and wind down loss-making components.

More recently, it was found that over 700 tech startups have experienced layoffs this year, impacting at least 93,519 employees globally. However, the tech community — from both crypto and non-crypto sectors — has been found migrating into Web3.

Crypto hacks: Humans are the real monsters 

One of the more visible problems engulfing crypto such as hacks and scams just got bigger in 2022. Hackers drained out millions of dollars worth of crypto by exploiting vulnerabilities present in poorly vetted crypto projects.

A strategy that was widely opted by the hacked projects this year was to offer the hacker a pink slip for returning a part of the loot. In the case of Transit Swap, a decentralized exchange aggregator, the hacker agreed to return around 70% (roughly $16.2 million) of the stolen $23 million fund.

While some hackers chose to return a part of the funds in exchange for immunity against prosecution, other projects such as Kyber Network and Rari Fuze have not been successful in pursuing their respective hackers to return the stolen funds.

This year also was witness to a spike in the number of phishing attempts, where hackers managed to access social media accounts of prominent figures, such as the South Korean government’s YouTube channel, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Twitter account, and PwC Venezuela’s Twitter account to shill fake giveaways to millions of followers.

Governments across the world consistently issued warnings against phishing attempts involving fraudulent apps and websites impersonating prominent crypto exchanges like Binance.

Resurrection overdue: NFTs, Web3 and the metaverse

Talks around nonfungible tokens (NFTs), Web3 and the metaverse took over the crypto ecosystem by storm, promising virtual use cases that extend into the real world. Celebrities, actors, musicians and artists catalyzed adoption by using the budding technologies as tools to reconnect with fans or simply inflate their own wealth.

The NFT hype was officially declared dead in July 2022 when daily sales recorded yearly lows as investors that recently suffered losses refrained from stepping on the seemingly sinking ship.

Despite the nosedive statistics, the NFT ecosystem saw support from some of the biggest celebrities, which include musicians Snoop Dogg and Eminem, tennis legend Maria Sharapova and professional fighters Connor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather.

The decreasing interest in NFTs translated into a lack of investments in newer projects building use cases around Web3 and the metaverse. Meta, arguably the biggest contender in the metaverse, has plans to pump $10 billion every year into its project. However, an unclear roadmap and uncertain revenue streams plague the ecosystem from attaining mainstream acceptance.

Setting aside the fear, the biggest lesson that the spookiest events in the crypto showcase is the need to do independent research before making any investments. Past mistakes — such as investing in an unvetted project, trusting unknown sources and sharing private information over the web — will come back to haunt you.

This Halloween, Cointelegraph wishes you pumpkin spice and everything nice. Visit Cointelegraph to stay up-to-date with the most important developments in crypto.

Florida govt warns against auto warranty scammers asking crypto payments

Regardless of the methods used by scammers to contact potential victims, the FDACS newsletter highlighted five red flags that can help citizens identify and evade possible scams.

The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) issued a warning sharing insights into identifying robocall scam marketing auto warranties, which includes being asked to pay for the services via gift cards and cryptocurrencies

Consumer complaints against increasing robocall scams — wherein scammers use prerecorded calls to market and sell fraudulent services — led the Enforcement Bureau to order phone companies to avoid carrying robocall traffic.

Regardless of the methods used by scammers to contact potential victims, the FDACS newsletter highlighted five red flags that indicate scams.

Five red flags for identifying scams. Source:

Stressing on some of the go-to payment methods often being recommended by the scammers, the announcement read:

“Payment Type: If you are asked to pay with a gift card or cryptocurrency, it’s a scam.”

In addition to asking Florida residents to refrain from making crypto payments, the FDACS reiterated that no government officials would ask for personal information, such as their Social Security or credit card numbers, adding that “Only scammers will require one of those kinds of payment, and once you send the money, you probably won’t get it back.”

Although the newsletter mentioned the impossibility of tracking down crypto funds from hackers, numerous corporations, including Velodrome and Curve Finance, have successfully recovered stolen funds — thanks to the immutable nature of blockchain technology.

Related: US lawmakers call on Mark Zuckerberg to address ‘breeding ground’ for crypto scams: Report

On Sept. 5, United States congressman Brad Sherman — a well-known crypto skeptic — acknowledged the rapid growth of the crypto ecosystem, claiming that banning cryptocurrencies was no longer an option.

Sherman stated that political donations and crypto lobbying make blanket banning cryptocurrencies impossible, adding that:

“We didn’t ban it at the beginning because we didn’t realize it was important, and we didn’t ban it now because there’s too much money and power behind it.”

Most lawmakers, including Sherman, favor implementing strict regulatory policies on crypto.